I asked Dad what he had a taste for to have for dinner tonight, and he responded with "fish and asparagus". This is a classic Gough meal, so I had to do it right. We've just recently gotten a new electric grill (we tried grilling shish-kebabs indoors last night... my eyes burned all night from the smoke). So the grill was brought
outside (as all grills should be).
I picked two fillets of Wild Salmon, two fillets of talapia, a bunch of asparagus, and two zucchini.
After going home and looking around to see what was in our kitchen, I formulated a plan for my meal.
Both the salmon and tilapia were smothered in
Salad Girl Lemony Herb dressing. I cut the zucchini into long spears, and smothered them in Extra Virgin Olive Oil and
Roast Vegetable & Fries herb blend. Similarly, I olive-oiled the asparagus and covered them in salt and pepper. All of this was simply thrown on the grill, until they got beautiful brown grill-lines on them (I love grill-lines). Voila!
Oh and then I just boiled up some brown rice.
And to make it all more unique, I made a buttery sauce that would cover the asparagus and rice.
Into a saucepan, I put in...
about 1/5 of a tub of organic sweet cream butter,
about a 1/2 cup of vegetable broth,
about a 1/2 cup of unbleached organic white flour,
about 1/2 teaspoon of dried basil,
and about 1 tablespoon of sun-dried tomato pesto
stir it all together and keep the saucepan over low heat. Sooo yummy.
(it would also be really amazing as an eggs benedict topper).
It had a very home-like taste to it, while also being suitable for summer (fish and grilled veggies, always a summer-must).
And to top it off, I made my
first ever fruit pie today!

The crust (make two):
1 c. all-purpose organic white flour
1 c. whole wheat pastry flour
1 tbsp. cane sugar
1 tsp. milk
and as much cold water as is needed to make it into dough
then put it in a ball (flattened), wrap in plastic, stick in the freezer for an hour to cool
The mid bit of the pie:
A full bag of bing cherries (pit them all)
1 tbsp. all-purpose white flour
1 tbsp. cane sugar
1/2 tsp. pure almond extract
stir it all together and throw it in the flattened/molded pie crust!
But my filling just looked really short, so I wanted to add some height to it. In searching my kitchen, I found a bag of cinnamon covered assorted nuts. I chopped them with my wonderful
Slap Chop contraption, and spread a thin layer of the bity nuts over top of the cherry mixture.
Lastly, with the second pie crust, I flattened it out, cut a few shapes in it (which allows the pie to "breathe" in the oven... make sure to put a circle in the middle) and then laid it over top of the cherry mixture. Crimp the edges however you'd like, just make it tight. After about 20 minutes it should be done. Look for it to start bubbling out of the middle design in the pie.
Success! Everyone liked it, including myself.